Against All Odds

Yesterday morning I was watering my butterfly garden and feeling a little glum because I had just realized a very large praying mantis had eaten a large Monarch caterpillar in my garden. (sigh) Such is nature, right? A cold, cruel world where things die so that other things can live.

In contrast to this mood, I glanced up at a large tree I was standing under and was surprised and delighted to see a beautiful black swallowtail butterfly newly emerged from its chrysalis and drying its wings. It was beautiful, perfect and alive. I knew the caterpillar had come from my garden which made it extra special.

As I stood admiring the new butterfly several things presented themselves to me and reminded me of our journey with God.

First: The chrysalis was attached to the side of this large gray tree trunk and so perfectly camouflaged that I kept losing sight of it. (He who lives in the secret place of the Most High shall live in the shadow of the Almighty Psm 91: 1)

Second: There was at least 30 feet of open grass that the used-to-be-caterpillar had crawled to get to the tree. Against all odds it had not been eaten by the many ravenous crows and birds we have. (Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil Ps 23:4)

Third: The trunk of the tree was gray and these caterpillars are bright green. Again, it had not been sighted by predators in spite of the fact that it stuck out like a sore thumb. (He will command His angels concerning you and guard you in all your ways. Ps 91)

Fourth:  No more than an inch away from the now empty chrysalis was a virtual freeway of fire ants running up and down the tree. How they missed the caterpillar or chrysalis is beyond me. They will happily chew through and devour the pupa on the inside. (You will not fear the terror of night, nor the deadly pestilence that stalks in the darkness. Ps 91:5-6)

Now, against all odds, the butterfly had run the gauntlet, so to speak, its destiny and purpose completed. It was now ready and equipped to fly on the wings of the wind! Many don’t make it, but the Lord preserves the destiny of those who make Him their dwelling place. Don’t concentrate on the fearful things around you: focus on Him and He will lead you through!

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